infiNET Installation to Properties

On behalf of SaskTel, we would like residents to know that SaskTel will be working on the fibre optic network build in 2024/25, which encompasses the underground portion of the build. This work Requires underground digs in some areas. SaskTel will contact you when your address is ready for conversion to the new fivre optic network. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the installation, you are encouraged to visit or call 1-800-SASKTEL.

The contractor has asked if the Town could compile a installation list of all properties wishing to be connected. 

 We are asking residents to call or email the office with their name, civic address and if you are a current SaskTel customer or not. 

(306)387-6340 or

SaskTel infiNET Fibre Optic Network Update

Installation crews will be using large equipment to install the underground infrastructure starting June 17th.

Be cautious around active work sites and crews. They will be hydrovacing holes and may result in uneven ground. The drilling equipment may be loud when in operation and this phase should be completed by mid July.

We appreciate your patience during this time.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the the Office.

SaskTel infiNET Fibre Optic Network Update

Installation crews will be starting at the end of May. They will be using large equipment to install the underground infrastructure. The drilling equipment may be loud with in operation and this phase could take up to two weeks.

The total installation process should be completed by the end of July.

we appreciate your patience during this time.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Town Office by phone (306)387-6340, email or in person Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Risk Management

It takes a village-or a town, or a city- to create a culture that values and prioritizes safety and risk management. Every person in a municipality has a part in identifying and managing the hazards that come with living in and sustaining a strong community, each bringing skills and knowledge to the table while also having their own responsibilities.

SUMAssure’s latest bulleting looks at the roles each person in a municipality has in developing a risk management culture.


2024 Natural Gas Pipeline Inspection

SaskEnergy Inspectors or qualified Field Representatives will be inspecting the gas line system in our community. To inspect the gas lines, they may utilize a variety of techniques that can include both vehicle-mounted equipment and hand-held devices. These highly sensitive instruments are designed to detect natural gas and will be used to survey above and below ground infrastructure. In the event that a natural gas leak is detected or other repairs to the system need to be made, SaskEnergy personnel will respond accordingly.

This will be taking place beginning mid-April and be completed mid-June.

If you have any questions please contact the Town Office.

Effective Immediately - Partial Fire Ban

The partial fire ban will remain in effect until conditions improve.

At this time recreational fires are still permitted. Please refer to the Town of Marshall’s Open Fire and Fireworks Bylaw 03-2019 for specific guidelines on acceptable firepits and regulations regarding fires within town limits. A copy of this bylaw can be found under the Town Office and Council tab, then click Bylaws.

Open Burning does not include:
•Fireplaces within buildings
•Approved Recreational Fire Pits with a grate
•Barbeque Grill & Smokers
•Fire training by professionally trained and authorized personnel

Remember a small spark can cause a catastrophic fire in these dry conditions. Keep the fire small and always use a grate. DO NOT have a fire if it is extremely windy and supervise your fire at all times.

Keep informed of the current conditions regarding fires as bans may change at a moments notice.. Updates will continued to be posted here.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your firepit, the bylaw or the fire ban please call the office.


Winter is a fact of life in Saskatchewan. Yet somehow, it manages to surprise us nearly every year. Weathering a storm starts with keeping an eye on the forecast, but even the most experienced Saskatchewan sky watchers can forget some details when preparing for snow, wind, or sleet. Make sure you've ticked all the boxes to get ready for winter with this winter storm event checklist. With insurers keeping a close eye on risk-prevention measures it can make your job easier, prevent insurance claims, and help keep your premiums down.


The Town of Marshall is accepting tenders for janitorial duties, at The Three Links Community Hall, 19-1st Avenue West, Marshall, Saskatchewan.  Duties to commence as early as August 1st.




Outline of duties of Janitor include but are not limited to:

·         Vacuuming rugs

·         Sweeping and Mopping all floor surfaces

·         Clean, wash and dust kitchen counter tops, tables and shelves

·         Clean, wash and dust bathroom counter tops, toilets and mirrors

·         Empty garbage and take out to bin for collection

·         Wash windows

·         Wash walls

·         Other janitorial duties as required by the Town of Marshall


The Town of Marshall will supply the hall with the supplies needed for rentals. 

Cleaning supplies and equipment will be the responsibility of the contractor. 

The contractor is responsible to provide insurance. 

A copy of the contract agreement is available for review by contacting Linda E. Row, Administrator at the Town Office, 17 Main Street, Marshall or by email,

Lowest, or any tender, will not necessarily be accepted. 


Submit sealed tenders to:

Town of Marshall

“Janitorial Tender”

P.O. Box 125

Marshall, SK  S0M 1R0


Verbal, faxed or electronic submissions will not be accepted.